You can set due dates accordingly, organise lists into specific project categories, as well as add a priority level so you can keep track of what lists you’ll need to get through first. Todoist has an easy user interface and excels at what it does- offers you the creation of efficient to do lists.

The downsides to Notion is that some features can be behind a paywall, particularly if you’re looking to use it professionally, and there can be a significant learning curve if you’re not used to working with web design software. You can also collaborate with people by inviting them- any email platform will work. You can make graphs and data, integrate calendars and pages, into your free experience. Notion is a highly customisable platform, useful for many things beyond your classic to-do lists. In order to collaborate with people, however, you’ll need to create a google account, which can be a long process. No need to worry about saving- it’s all synced to the cloud and you can access it on any platform. You can collaborate with people on notes and to-do lists you create, easily converting these into google docs as you need. With its simple and clean interface, Google Keep lets you make notes in general, categorise them, and have certain notes pinned and others archived according to your needs.